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What to do to get accepted for Google AdSence and make money.

Personally, I have been trying to get accepted for Google AdSense for a long while. With all the effort that I would put in, it just never seemed to be good enough. However, we all know the saying,  ( If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again) and you will be surprised with how effective this statement is. To make this brief, there are definitely some things that need to be done prior to attempting to apply for Google AdSense. In no particular order, please make sure these steps are done, otherwise, Google AdSense will refuse your application due to their strict  Policies .  Here is a list of "MUST HAVES" to get accepted !  YOU MUST BE 18 Years of age!! Make sure you buy a domain name!! Meaning, have your own website URL.  (Example ) Have your website running for AT LEAST 6 months! Minimize the number of posts! (50 posts is an ideal number of posts) Making sure your Website is organized is also very important, so