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What are some facts about horses?

Today is going to be about horses. I learned a lot about them when I went to visit the family farm. I just had to learn more. When I was face to face with the horse, at first it seemed cautious, but when I showed the horse nothing but kindness, she was more willing to let me pet her.  I felt as if the horse was needing to know if I respected it or not. I'm not sure what it was that I felt, but that's what inspired me to begin my  research  to find out what more there was to learn about them. Horses are one of those animals that bond really well with humans. They are wonderful should be appreciated and be respected by everyone. They do very well ridding in shows and also do well in the country. To ride this beautiful majestic creature is one of the most fulfilling experiences to have. Horse Tails Even though there is still a lot to learn about a horse's tail, it is known to  help rid of annoying bugs such as  flies, other insects and is  also  used to warm up their re